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Get License Service Plan FriendlyName

Often when working with Office 365 licenses, the names you see in the PartnerCenter portal, or your Customers portal, does not reflect the names you see when you use AzureAD/Graph APIs to get a customers subscribed Sku’s.

These names are now presented on a webpage from Microsoft, and you can also download these definitions to a CSV file, that you in turn, can use to match the GUID on your subscribed Sku with the names, and get the Friendlyname more available for your users working with licenses. There are some resources out that has collected these as a list for a long time, but, since it is available from Microsoft (updated when they do see fit…) its a good starting point to complement these with your subscriptions.

# download CSV file from site

# Filename to store our downloaded CSV file.
# maybe save this in a better spot to keep track :)
$fileName = "$env:TMP\ProductNames.csv"

$uri = ""
$webData = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri

# Link to CSV found in links from the webrequest / download and store it in the $filename location
$fileToDownload = ($webData.Links | where-object {$_.href -like "*.csv"}).href
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $fileToDownload -OutFile $fileName
$latestNames = import-csv -Path $fileName

# Group by Product_DisplayName or 
$friendlyNameList = @()
$friendlyNameList = ($latestNames | Group-Object Guid) | 
    Select-Object @{Label = "SkuId";Expression = {$_.Name}}, @{Label = "Name";Expression = {$[0].Product_Display_Name}}, 
    @{Label = "SkuPartNumber";Expression = {$[0].'String_ ID' } }


This will give you a list to work with, and your output will look similar to this:

Friendlyname list

If I connect to AzureAD with PowerShell and list out my subscription for Microsoft 365 Business Premium license we can compare the outputs.